Swimming Blog

Learning to swim is an important life skill and can lead to hours of the fun in, on or under the water. At Neil Bailey Swimming we offer progression from non-swimmer to strong swimmer, as outlined elsewhere, but competitive swimming...

We have now officially released our dates for the coming Autumn Term 2018. Whether you are thinking of joining us or are renewing existing lessons, make sure you visit www.clubenrolment.com/neilbailey, where you can book or confirm your place. ...

This year, Neil Bailey Swimming is hotting up for the summer holiday period with the largest Summer Challenge Programme to date! 6 weeks of intensive ‘crash-course’ lessons to equip your child with the swim skills necessary to take to the...

Football, Piano, Ballet, Art class, Rugby, Tennis - there are now so many fantastic clubs on offer after school and during the weekends, children are so busy! How do you choose which clubs to fit into your family’s hectic schedule?...

When talking to parents about the learn to swim process we often discuss ‘muscle memory’. But what exactly is muscle memory? To suggest the muscles in our arms and legs remember how to perform the movements for frontcrawl would...

I have experience of school swimming lessons on three levels – as a child, as a school assistant and as the lead swimming teacher running lessons at a primary school. In short I can tell you that no, the vast...